Philanthropy Reporters and Journalists - 2024 Contact List

150-200 Philanthropy Journalists from Leading Philanthropy News Outlets

This expertly curated list includes 150-200 philanthropy journalists from leading philanthropy news outlets, providing you with verified contacts, detailed profiles, and comprehensive contact information for effective outreach.

  • Made on-request, ensuring 100% valid emails

  • Ideal for philanthropic foundations and charity events looking to increase media coverage and public support.

  • Available for $49, the Philanthropy media contact list comes with comprehensive support to ensure your communications are seamless. Satisfaction guaranteed!

Explore top Philanthropy journalists for 2024

Curated by Arsh B
PR Manager @ PressContact.
Know more about Arsh here.

The top philanthropy journalists for 2024 have been selected by our PR team for their in-depth analysis and coverage of charitable giving and non-profit trends. These journalists stand out due to the extensive reach of their work, the regularity of their updates, and the reputation of their publications within the philanthropy community. Updated and detailed journalist profiles ensure your pitches are precise and relevant, matching the evolving landscape of philanthropy media.

Craig Hikida

The Vancouver Foundation

Craig Hikida is an experienced philanthropy journalist based in Canada, who has built a strong reputation for his insightful and informative writing on the subject. His work primarily focuses on the philanthropic landscape in Canada, highlighting the various initiatives, organizations, and individuals that contribute to the betterment of society. As a writer for The Vancouver Foundation, one of Canada's largest community foundations, Craig's articles reach a wide audience of readers who are interested in learning about the latest developments in the world of philanthropy.

Aneil Gokhale

The Toronto Foundation

Aneil Gokhale is an experienced philanthropy journalist based in Canada. With a focus on covering stories related to charitable giving, social impact, and community development, Aneil has established himself as a reliable source of information and insight in the philanthropy sector. As a writer for The Toronto Foundation, he has been instrumental in shedding light on various philanthropic initiatives and organizations, helping to raise awareness and encourage positive change in the community.

Alex Daniels

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Alex Daniels is an experienced journalist based in Canada who specializes in covering philanthropy. As a writer for The Chronicle of Philanthropy (, Daniels has established a strong presence in the field of philanthropy journalism. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Daniels has consistently provided insightful and informative content on various aspects of charitable giving, foundations, and nonprofit organizations.

Lorne Abugov

Canadian Fundraiser

Lorne Abugov is an experienced philanthropy journalist based in Canada. With a keen interest in covering the latest trends, news, and developments in the philanthropic sector, Lorne has been actively contributing to Canadian Fundraiser (, a platform that focuses on providing valuable insights and resources to fundraising professionals across the country. As one of the leading philanthropy journalists in Canada, Lorne's articles have garnered significant attention from readers who are eager to stay informed about the ever-evolving world of charitable giving and fundraising.

Martin Levine

The Nonprofit Quarterly

Martin Levine is a Canadian journalist who specializes in writing about philanthropy and nonprofit organizations. He is currently a contributor to The Nonprofit Quarterly (NPQ), an independent online publication that offers news, research, and analysis on the nonprofit sector. With a keen interest in philanthropy journalism, Levine's work has become an essential resource for those seeking to understand the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the world of philanthropy.

Jennifer Ditchburn

Policy Options

Jennifer Ditchburn is a renowned Canadian journalist with a focus on philanthropy. Based in Canada, she is currently an editor-at-large at Policy Options, a digital magazine that offers in-depth analysis of public policy issues. As a philanthropy journalist, Jennifer has built a reputation for her insightful and thought-provoking articles that explore the diverse landscape of charitable giving, social impact, and the role of philanthropy in shaping public policy.

Peter Mazereeuw

The Hill Times

Peter Mazereeuw is an experienced journalist based in Canada, specializing in philanthropy and related topics. He has been actively contributing to The Hill Times, a well-known Canadian news outlet that focuses on politics, policy, and government affairs. As one of the leading philanthropy journalists in the country, Mazereeuw's work offers valuable insights and perspectives on the latest trends, developments, and challenges in the philanthropic sector.

Deborah Aarts

Canadian Business

Michelle Gagnon

The Conversation Canada

Carlito Pablo

The Georgia Straight


The Tyee

Anne Kingston


Anne Kingston is a Canadian journalist who has established herself as a leading voice in the realm of philanthropy journalism. Based in Canada, Kingston is currently associated with Maclean's, a widely-read and respected Canadian news magazine. With a keen interest in reporting on philanthropy, her work offers insightful analysis and in-depth coverage of various charitable initiatives, non-profit organizations, and the impact of philanthropy on society.

Lauren McKeon

The Walrus

Lauren McKeon is a journalist based in Canada who primarily focuses on philanthropy. With a strong passion for exploring the various facets of this sector, she has established herself as one of the leading philanthropy journalists in the country. As a writer for The Walrus, an esteemed Canadian publication, Lauren consistently produces thought-provoking and insightful articles that delve into the world of charitable giving, social impact, and innovative solutions to pressing global issues.

Erica Johnson

CBC News

Erica Johnson is an experienced journalist based in Canada, specializing in philanthropy and related topics. She is currently working for CBC News, one of the most news organizations in the country. As one of the leading philanthropy journalists in Canada, Erica has developed a strong reputation for her in-depth reporting and insightful analysis on various aspects of charitable giving, non-profit organizations, and social impact initiatives.

Laurie Monsebraaten

Toronto Star

Laurie Monsebraaten is a journalist who specializes in covering philanthropy, social justice, and related issues. Based in Canada, she is currently associated with the Toronto Star, a well-known and respected publication. As one of the leading philanthropy journalists in the country, Laurie's work is widely read and appreciated by those interested in the field.

Philanthropy Section

The Globe and Mail

The Philanthropy Section of The Globe and Mail is home to a team of Philanthropy Journalists who are passionate about covering the latest developments and trends in the world of giving and social impact. Based in Canada, these journalists have their fingers on the pulse of philanthropic initiatives, nonprofit organizations, and charitable endeavors across the nation. They are committed to providing insightful news, analysis, and thought leadership on various aspects of philanthropy, from innovative funding models to the role of technology in driving social change.

Susan Fish

Charity Village

Susan Fish is an experienced philanthropy journalist based in Canada. She has been writing extensively about the philanthropic sector, focusing on various aspects such as fundraising, nonprofit management, and social innovation. As a writer for Charity Village, a leading online resource for the nonprofit sector in Canada, Susan has been instrumental in providing valuable insights and information to those interested in the world of philanthropy.

Susan Phillips

The Philanthropist

Susan Phillips is a philanthropy journalist based in Canada who contributes to The Philanthropist, a leading online publication that focuses on the non-profit sector in the country. With a keen interest in exploring the various aspects of philanthropy, Susan's work delves into topics such as social innovation, impact investing, and the evolving role of philanthropic organizations in society. Her insightful articles and in-depth analyses provide valuable information to those seeking to understand the latest trends and developments in the world of philanthropy.

Melinda Gates

The Giving Pledge

Melinda Gates is a well-known philanthropy journalist based in the United States, who primarily writes about the world of charitable giving and social impact. As a key member of The Giving Pledge, an initiative of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, she has been instrumental in sharing the stories and insights of philanthropists who have committed to giving away a significant portion of their wealth to address society's most pressing challenges. With her extensive knowledge and experience in the field, Melinda is recognized as one of the leading voices among philanthropy journalists.

Stephanie Peng

National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) Blog

Stephanie Peng is an experienced philanthropy journalist based in the United States. As a writer for the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) Blog, she provides insightful analysis and coverage of the philanthropic sector. Her work is known for its in-depth research and thought-provoking content, making her a sought-after voice among those looking for press coverage in the realm of philanthropy.

Karl Zinsmeister

The Philanthropy Roundtable

Karl Zinsmeister is a distinguished journalist and writer based in the United States, who focuses primarily on philanthropy. As an experienced and knowledgeable voice in the field, he has contributed significantly to the discourse on charitable giving, social impact, and the role of philanthropy in society. Currently, Zinsmeister works for The Philanthropy Roundtable, a leading organization that fosters excellence in philanthropy, protects philanthropic freedom, and helps donors advance liberty, opportunity, and personal responsibility in America and abroad.

Patrick Briaud

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Blog

Patrick Briaud is a insightful philanthropy journalist based in the United States, who contributes to the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Blog. With a keen interest in exploring various aspects of philanthropy, Briaud has developed a strong understanding of the field, making him a valuable resource for those seeking press coverage in the category. His writing encompasses a wide range of topics, including trends in philanthropy, best practices for giving, and the impact of philanthropy on society.

J McCray

Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) Blog

J McCray is an accomplished philanthropy journalist based in the United States, who has their career to exploring the world of philanthropy and its impact on society. As a writer for the Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) Blog, J McCray has delved into various aspects of philanthropy, including grantmaking practices, nonprofit capacity building, and the role of foundations in driving social change. Their insightful articles have not only shed light on the importance of philanthropy in addressing pressing societal issues but have also provided valuable guidance for those seeking to make a difference through their philanthropic endeavors.

Una Osili

The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy Blog

Una Osili is a philanthropy journalist based in the United States who contributes her expertise to The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy Blog. With a focus on philanthropy and its impact on society, her work delves into the latest trends, research, and best practices in the field. As a well-respected voice among philanthropy journalists, Osili's insightful articles provide valuable information for individuals and organizations seeking to make a difference in their communities and beyond.

Susan Wolf Ditkoff

The Bridgespan Group Blog

Susan Wolf Ditkoff is a renowned philanthropy journalist based in the United States, who has been actively contributing to the field of philanthropy through her insightful writings and thought leadership. She currently writes for The Bridgespan Group Blog, a leading platform that shares knowledge and insights on effective philanthropy, nonprofit leadership, and social sector impact. With her extensive experience and deep understanding of the sector, Susan has emerged as one of the most respected philanthropy journalists in the industry.

Natalie Ross

Council on Foundations Blog

Natalie Ross is an experienced philanthropy journalist based in the United States, who has been contributing to the field through her insightful articles and thought-provoking pieces. She is currently associated with the Council on Foundations Blog (, where she covers a wide range of topics related to philanthropy, nonprofit organizations, and social impact. Her in-depth understanding of the sector and her ability to present complex ideas in an engaging manner make her a valuable resource for those seeking press coverage in the world of philanthropy.

Jason Franklin

The Foundation Review

Jason Franklin is a accomplished philanthropy journalist based in the United States. With a keen interest in exploring the ever-evolving landscape of philanthropy, he has been able to provide valuable insights and analyses on various aspects of the field. As a writer for The Foundation Review, a leading publication in the philanthropic sector, Jason has been able to reach a wide audience of readers who share his passion for understanding the complexities of philanthropy and its impact on society.

Paul Clolery

The NonProfit Times

Paul Clolery is a renowned journalist in the United States who focuses on philanthropy and nonprofit organizations. As a prolific writer, he has made significant contributions to the field of philanthropy journalism by covering various topics such as fundraising, governance, management, and technology within the nonprofit sector. Based in the USA, Clolery has established himself as a leading voice in the industry, offering valuable insights and analysis on the latest trends and developments in philanthropy.

David Johnson

Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR)

David Johnson is a journalist in the field of philanthropy, based in the United States. He is currently associated with the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR), a leading publication that covers global issues, trends, and research related to the nonprofit sector, philanthropy, and social innovation. As one of the key philanthropy journalists at SSIR, Johnson's work focuses on exploring and analyzing the latest developments and best practices in the world of charitable giving and social impact.

Amy McGoldrick

Alliance Magazine

Amy McGoldrick is a accomplished philanthropy journalist based in the United States. She is currently a writer for Alliance Magazine, a leading publication that covers philanthropy, social investment, and related topics across the globe. With a keen interest in exploring the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in the philanthropic sector, Amy's work has become an invaluable resource for individuals and organizations seeking insights and guidance in this field.

Best Practices for Contacting Philanthropy journalists

Philanthropy journalism is driven by stories of impact and compassion. Leveraging our extensive experience, we provide you with strategies to time your outreach effectively, craft heartfelt and impactful press releases, and pitch with the empathy and dedication that philanthropy journalists appreciate. Let’s make your philanthropy campaign a beacon of hope.

When and how to contact Philanthropy Journalists

Connecting with philanthropy journalists requires a focus on impact and community engagement. Here are some tips to enhance your outreach efforts:

  • Fundraising Campaigns: Highlight major fundraising campaigns and initiatives.
  • Impact Stories: Share stories of the impact your philanthropic efforts have had on communities.
  • Event Coverage: Offer coverage opportunities for charity events and galas.
  • Donor Profiles: Provide profiles of major donors and their motivations for giving.
  • Policy Changes: Inform journalists about new policies affecting the philanthropic sector.
  • Visual Content: Provide high-quality images, videos, or infographics related to philanthropic stories.

Using a comprehensive and affordable media list ensures that your philanthropy-related news reaches the right journalists at the right time, maximizing your chances of coverage.

Writing press releases for Philanthropy coverage

Writing press releases for philanthropy topics requires a compassionate and impactful approach. Here’s how to craft compelling philanthropy press releases:

  • Empathetic Headlines: Start with a headline that highlights the key message of your philanthropy news and evokes empathy.
  • Impact Stories: Share stories of the positive impact your philanthropy has had on individuals or communities.
  • Fundraising Details: Provide comprehensive details about fundraising events or campaigns, including how to contribute.
  • Expert Quotes: Include quotes from philanthropy leaders or beneficiaries to add depth and credibility.
  • Community Involvement: Highlight community involvement and volunteer efforts.
  • Visual Elements: Use high-quality images and videos to illustrate the work and impact of your philanthropy.

These elements will help your philanthropy press release stand out and attract the attention of journalists looking for compassionate and impactful stories.

Pitching Etiquette to Philanthropy Journalists

Pitching to science journalists requires a thorough and evidence-based approach. Here are some tips from my experience:

  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your pitches to match the interests and preferences of science journalists, offering content that resonates with their audience.
  • Provide Exclusive Content: Offer exclusive insights or access to new scientific research or discoveries that are not available elsewhere.
  • Timely Pitches: Align your pitches with key scientific events, conferences, or major research findings.
  • Respect Their Expertise: Acknowledge the expertise of science journalists and show appreciation for their work.
  • Data-Driven Content: Include relevant data, research findings, and scientific evidence to support your science news.
  • Follow Up Thoughtfully: Follow up on your pitches in a respectful and considerate manner, providing any additional information they may need.

Following these tips will help you build strong relationships with science journalists and increase the likelihood of your pitches being successful.

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