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Kimberly Leonard

I'm a senior healthcare reporter for Business Insider, reporting about the intersection of policy, politics, and business. My stories are reported from Congress, the White House, the Department of Health and Human Services, and association meetings across Washington, D.C. I have written about the ins and outs of the Affordable Care Act; interviewed communities in the midst of the opioid crisis; and shed light on social policies, including paid family leave, religious objections in medicine, abortion, and medically assisted suicide. I am passionate about public health, including the prevention of infectious disease; how changes in communities, homes, and schools can keep people out of doctors offices and hospitals; and how policies can encourage people to make healthier choices.I regularly appear at live events and multiple radio outlets, as well as CNN, Fox News, and C-SPAN. I hold a bachelor's degree from the University of Richmond, where I completed all my academic requirements in less than three years. My work has appeared in the Washington Post, Kaiser Health News, and The Atlantic.

Media Outlet:

Business Insider



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Business Insider

Business Insider is an online publication that provides news and analysis on global business, finance, tech, and science. The publication is known for its up-to-date coverage of the latest economic and business trends, and offers a unique view on the ever-changing corporate landscape. It offers a diverse range of content, from investigative reports to interviews and commentary, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in the world of business.

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