Cage & Aviary Birds, established in 1902, is a renowned publication dedicated to the world of aviculture. The company's mission is to educate and inform bird enthusiasts, breeders, and pet owners by providing them with the latest news, expert advice, and insights into the fascinating world of birds. With a strong focus on responsible bird-keeping, Cage & Aviary Birds offers a wealth of information on various bird species, breeding techniques, health and welfare, and conservation efforts.
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Rob Innes is an experienced animals journalist based in the United Kingdom, specializing in writing about various species of birds. He currently works for Cage & Aviary Birds, a well-known publication that focuses on the care, breeding, and conservation of birds in captivity. With a passion for ornithology and a keen eye for detail, Rob Innes has become a respected voice in the field of aviculture, providing valuable insights and information to bird enthusiasts and professionals alike.
Discover the captivating world of aviculture with Cage & Aviary Birds' social feeds. Stay informed on the latest news, expert advice, and fascinating insights into bird-keeping, breeding, and conservation efforts. Follow their social media platforms for engaging content, including articles, videos, and captivating images, tailored for bird enthusiasts of all levels. Join the conversation and connect with a global community of bird lovers who share the same passion for our feathered friends.