Canadian Geographic is a renowned magazine that has been captivating readers since its inception in 1930. Published by The Royal Canadian Geographical Society, the magazine aims to make Canada better known to Canadians and the world. Through engaging storytelling, breathtaking photography, and in-depth articles, Canadian Geographic showcases the diverse landscapes, wildlife, and cultures that make up this vast nation. The magazine also covers topics such as environmental issues, scientific discoveries, and technological advancements that impact Canadians and the world at large. With a strong commitment to promoting geographical literacy and environmental stewardship, Canadian Geographic continues to be an essential source of information and inspiration for those who have a passion for exploring and understanding the world around them.
Explore top journalists from this media outlet below. Click on their names to view their full pages!
Aaron Kylie is a seasoned travel journalist based in Canada, with a keen interest in exploring and documenting the diverse landscapes and unique experiences that the country has to offer. As an accomplished writer and editor, he has been actively contributing to Canadian Geographic, a reputable publication that covers various topics related to Canada's geography, wildlife, history, and culture. With a focus on travel, Aaron's work showcases the hidden gems and lesser-known stories of Canada, making him one of the go-to travel journalists for those seeking to gain press coverage in this category.
Nick Walker is an environment journalist based in Canada who has been contributing to Canadian Geographic for several years. With a passion for exploring the diverse landscapes and ecosystems of Canada, Walker has developed a unique perspective on environmental issues and conservation efforts in the country. As an environment journalist, he is committed to raising awareness and promoting discussions on climate change, sustainable practices, and the protection of natural resources.
Alexandra Pope is a journalist based in Canada who specializes in covering stories related to animals and the natural world. As a writer for Canadian Geographic, she has a keen interest in exploring the diverse wildlife found within the country and beyond. Her work showcases her passion for delving deep into the lives of various animal species, their habitats, and the challenges they face in the ever-changing environment.
Harry Wilson is a science journalist based in Canada who has a passion for uncovering and sharing the latest scientific discoveries and advancements. He currently works for Canadian Geographic, a well-respected publication that focuses on the natural, cultural, and social aspects of Canada. With a keen interest in various scientific fields, Harry Wilson has made a name for himself among science journalists by providing comprehensive and engaging coverage of a wide range of topics, including environmental issues, technological advancements, and groundbreaking research.
Canadian Geographic's social feeds offer a glimpse into the fascinating world of Canada's geography, wildlife, and culture. Through stunning photography, engaging stories, and informative articles, followers can explore the diverse landscapes and rich history that make up this great nation. Stay connected with Canadian Geographic on their social media platforms to discover the latest news, updates, and captivating content that will inspire your curiosity and deepen your appreciation for the beauty and complexity of Canada.