
Law360 is a subscription-based, legal news service that operates out of New York City. Founded in 2004, the company has grown to become an essential resource for legal professionals, government officials, and business leaders. Law360 covers a vast array of practice areas, including intellectual property, securities, employment, environmental, and tax law. The platform also offers insights into major industries, such as technology, healthcare, and finance.

Journalists from


Explore top journalists from this media outlet below. Click on their names to view their full pages!

Andrew Strickler


Andrew Strickler is a law journalist based in the United States, who specializes in writing about various aspects of the legal industry. He is currently associated with Law360, a renowned online platform that offers comprehensive coverage of legal news and analysis. With a keen interest in exploring different facets of the law, Andrew's work stands out among other law journalists, as he delves deep into the intricacies of the legal world and presents them in an engaging and informative manner.

Paige Long


Paige Long is an experienced law journalist based in the United Kingdom. She is currently working for Law360, a leading legal news platform that covers a wide range of topics, including litigation, policy developments, and corporate deals. As a law journalist, Paige has developed a strong understanding of the legal landscape in the UK and is known for her in-depth analysis and accurate reporting on various legal issues.

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