Life & Style Weekly

Founded in 2004, Life & Style Weekly is a leading entertainment news magazine that offers readers an inside look into the lives of their favorite celebrities. The magazine is published by American Media Inc. and is known for its engaging content, including exclusive interviews, breaking news stories, and expert commentary on the latest fashion, beauty, and lifestyle trends. With a team of experienced journalists and editors, Life & Style Weekly is dedicated to providing its readers with the most up-to-date and accurate information on the world of entertainment.

Journalists from

Life & Style Weekly

Explore top journalists from this media outlet below. Click on their names to view their full pages!

Carly Sloane


Carly Sloane is a journalist based in the United States who specializes in covering the world of celebrities. She has a keen eye for the latest trends and happenings in the entertainment industry, which makes her a sought-after source for exclusive stories and interviews. As a writer for Life & Style Weekly, Carly has established herself as one of the go-to celebrity journalists for readers seeking the latest news on their favorite stars.

Chelsey Hamilton


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