Paste Magazine

Founded in 2002, Paste Magazine began as a quarterly print publication focusing on music and entertainment. Over the years, it has evolved into a digital platform that covers a wide array of pop culture topics, including film, television, video games, books, and comedy. Paste is known for its in-depth articles, insightful reviews, and exclusive interviews with some of the most influential figures in the entertainment industry. The magazine also prides itself on discovering and promoting new talent, often featuring up-and-coming artists and creators in its content.

Journalists from

Paste Magazine

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Ellen Johnson


Ellen Johnson is a music journalist based in the United States, who has made a name for herself in the industry through her insightful and engaging articles. She is currently working for Paste Magazine, a popular online publication that covers a wide range of topics, including music, movies, and television. With a keen interest in various music genres and a passion for storytelling, Ellen has quickly become a go-to source for music enthusiasts seeking the latest news, reviews, and interviews in the world of music.

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Stay connected with Paste Magazine on their social feeds to get the latest updates on music, movies, TV, games, and more. With a focus on discovering new talent and providing engaging content, Paste's social media channels are a must-follow for pop culture enthusiasts. Be sure to check out their exclusive interviews, reviews, and articles covering a wide range of topics in the entertainment industry.

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