PCMag is a leading media outlet that provides in-depth analysis and reviews of the latest technology products and services. Established in 1982, PCMag is a trusted source for tech product reviews, news, and advice. The outlet covers a wide range of topics from computer hardware, software, and peripherals to mobile phones, tablets, and home entertainment products. PCMag has a dedicated team of experienced editors and reporters who provide insightful and unbiased reviews. Their reviews are based on extensive testing and research, as well as feedback from user surveys. As a result, their reviews offer an objective and comprehensive assessment of the products and services they cover. In addition to reviews, PCMag provides news updates, editorials, and opinion pieces about the latest developments in the tech industry. They provide analysis on the latest trends and topics in the industry, such as the rise of artificial intelligence and the proliferation of the Internet of Things. This helps readers stay up to date on the latest developments in the tech world. Finally, PCMag features a wide range of helpful guides and resources. These guides offer advice on topics such as how to choose the right laptop or smartphone, and how to optimize your computer for peak performance. They also provide helpful advice for tech no

Journalists from


Explore top journalists from this media outlet below. Click on their names to view their full pages!

S.C. Stuart


S. C. Stuart is an award-winning digital strategist and technology commentator for ELLE China, Esquire Latino, Singularity Hub, and PCMag, covering: artificial intelligence; augmented, virtual, and mixed reality; DARPA; NASA; US Army Cyber Command; sci-fi in Hollywood (including interviews with Spike Jonze and Ridley Scott); and robotics (real-life encounters with over 27 robots and counting).

Max Eddy


Max Eddy is a technology journalist based in the United States, currently working for PCMag, a leading online publication that covers technology news, reviews, and expert analysis. As one of the technology journalists in the industry, Max has developed a strong reputation for his in-depth articles and insightful commentary on various aspects of technology, including cybersecurity, privacy, and software.

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At PCMag, we’re always on the lookout for the latest news and social feeds in the world of PR. Our experts stay up-to-date on the latest trends, tools, and strategies in the industry, so you can be sure you’re getting the most up-to-date information around. We’re constantly referencing the newest research in the field to better understand the current state of the industry, and how to best utilize PR tools to achieve success. Whether it’s to get the latest scoop on the industry, or to learn new strategies to help your business grow, PCMag is a great resource for all your PR needs.

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