The Bookseller

The Bookseller is a renowned publication and business intelligence provider in the book industry, with a history dating back to 1858. As a trusted source of news and analysis, the company covers various aspects of the industry, including publishing, retail, libraries, and digital innovations. The Bookseller's content is tailored to meet the needs of professionals within the sector, including publishers, booksellers, librarians, and authors. The company's offerings extend beyond its print and digital publications, as it also hosts a range of industry events, conferences, and awards ceremonies, such as the British Book Awards, the Bookseller Marketing & Publicity Conference, and the Bookseller Children's Conference.

Journalists from

The Bookseller

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Tom Tivnan


Tom Tivnan is a well-known books journalist based in the United Kingdom, who has a keen interest in the literary world and its evolving landscape. With a deep understanding of the publishing industry and a passion for literature, Tom's articles provide valuable insights and analysis for readers looking to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the world of books. As a writer for The Bookseller, a leading trade publication in the UK, Tom's work is widely respected and followed by professionals in the industry, as well as book enthusiasts who appreciate his in-depth knowledge and engaging writing style.

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